How Are Pencils Lead Really Made Of ?


Have you ever wanted to know how pencils come into existence?

Or how many words can you write with one pencil?

Pencil making is a complex process.

But, in a nutshell, one can say that the graphite rods are inserted in wooden slats on the top of the glue.

That is how we get pencils.



Processing Of Graphite For Pencil

Graphite pencils’ other name is lead pencils. These pencils produce grey or black marks by physical abrasion.

The process of making graphite for the pencils isn’t as easy as it looks.

Let’s have a brief look at the procedure:

  • The first step involves grinding the graphite and clay in a huge metal drum, which contains rocks.
  • Then upon pulverization, a fine powder of graphite and clay becomes when the drum is rotated.
  • Water is added in regulated quantities, and the mixture is left to blend for at least 72 hours.
  • After three days, the drum is opened to check for a consistent mixture. If an even mixture is obtained, then the remaining water is rinsed off. But, the remaining grey sludgy and muddy mixture is left behind until it hardens.
  • The hardened gray sludge is ground up again. Some more water is added for obtaining a smooth, malleable paste.
  • If the color of the mixture appears to have a light color, additional carbon is added to make it darker.
  • The graphite rods are made by forcing the soft paste into a long metal tube with a small opening. These rods are then cut into desirable length so that they fit into wooden pencil slats.
  • These pencil leads are heated at a very high 1800 degrees F temperature to make them smooth and hard.
  • For obtaining a smoother lead, the leads are dipped into oil or wax. These leads can then be inserted into wooden or mechanical pencils.



Where does graphite for pencils come from?

Graphite comes from its mines in the form of flakes and lumps. It is then grounded with clay to produce a malleable mixture for making graphite rods.

These rods are then squished into tubes and cut into proper lengths for making pencils.

Is pencil graphite poisonous?

The pencil graphite is non-toxic. This is also one of the reasons why one uses it in pencils.

Even if a child swallows a broken piece, he/she might choke for some time, but there will be no severe consequences.



To sum up, there is nothing known as the lead in lead pencils. Rather it is a soft mineral called graphite.

This graphite combines with fine clay to produce dark marks that adhere to the surface of the sheet.

However, making graphite for pencils is quite tedious. There are many steps involved in its making.

And all the steps involved are important. From graphite to cutting rods, everything needs to be perfect to get the best quality pencil.


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